Offers and packages

Find your best travel plans

Discover cities, experience sensations and benefit from the best discounts on your holiday with Hesperia hotels. Check out what we have in store for you.

Summer is here

Up to 20% off

Experience the summer of a lifetime with our special offer. Book before 30 August and enjoy a 20% discount at all our hotels.

New Web Offer

Up to 40% off

We celebrate the launch of our new website with an exclusive discount just for you!

Offers - Apartamentos Hesperia Barcelona Fira - Hesperia Hoteles

Stay longer and pay less

Up to 30% off

Get up to 30% off when you stay for 3 nights or more.
The longer you stay with us, the more you’ll save.

Offers - Apartamentos Hesperia Barcelona Fira - Hesperia Hoteles

Think ahead and pay less

Up to 30% off

If you like to plan your trip in advance, at Hesperia we reward you with a 30% discount for booking in advance in any of our destinations.