Offers and packages

Find your best travel plans

Discover cities, experience sensations, and benefit from the best discounts on your vacations with Hesperia hotels. Take a look at what we have prepared for you.

Summer is here

Up to 20% off

Live the summer of your life with our special offer. Book before August 30th and enjoy a 20% discount on all our hotels.

New website promotion

Up to 40% off.

We celebrate the launch of our new website with an exclusive discount just for you!

Offers - Hesperia Hoteles

Stay longer and pay less

Up to 30% off

Enjoy up to a 30% discount when you stay 3 nights or more. The longer you stay with us, the more you will save.

Offers - Hesperia Hoteles

Think ahead and pay less

Up to 30% off

If you like to plan your trip in advance, at Hesperia we reward you with a discount of up to 30% for booking early in any of our destinations.