Zaragoza, Spain
On the banks of the Ebro
Inicio Hoteles y destinos Zaragoza
What to do in Zaragoza?
- Museums
- Cuisine
- La Jota
- Tourism
- Leisure and shows

Zaragoza is a city of contrasts that can be explored through its museums, from the Roman era in the Caesaraugusta Theatre Museum and the Forum Museum, to the more current era in the Pablo Serrano Museumof contemporary art.
Special mention should be made of the Goya Museum in Zaragoza, a journey through the artist’s life through his most representative paintings and his complete series of engravings in the city of his birth.

Zaragoza’s cuisine is characterised by simple dishes, of humble origin and generous quantity. They are all prepared with local products, such as migas (bread, vegetables and meat), ternasco asado (roast lamb) and verduras de la huerta maña (vegetables). To round off your meal, we recommend Adoquines del Pilar, flavoured hard candies to satisfy your sweet tooth. You’ll never go hungry here!

Declared an Asset of Intangible Cultural Interest, the Aragonese jota is present on all the city’s big days. Get caught up in this regional dance that combines twists and acrobatic steps with small jumps to the sound of the guitar, lute and bandurria. We are sure that the music will touch your heart.

In Zaragoza you can easily walk to all the emblematic points of the city. Proof of this is the Plaza del Pilar, located on the other side of the Ebro River, which houses the Basilica del Pilar at one end and the Cathedral of Zaragoza at the other, and the Central Market just a five-minute walk away. Just a few metres away you will also find the Palace of La Aljafería, former residence of the Moorish kings and current seat of the Courts of Aragon. And don’t forget to get on the Caballito de la Lonja!

Dance festivals, theatre, street art, markets, craft fairs, nightlife… Zaragoza is a city that radiates leisure and culture on every street, with activities and shows every month of the year.
If you’re looking to spend your time outdoors, we recommend the Expo Zone, a huge river park where you can visit the old facilities of Expo Zaragoza 2008 such as the Water Tower, the Bridge Pavilion, the Spain Pavilion and the Water Park. The latter also has a river beach that you can travel by canoe, alone or with friends!

Festivals and traditions
The Fiestas Goyescas de Zaragoza were started as a way to pay tribute to Francisco de Goya, but soon became a time for family and friends to get together and enjoy themselves. Every April 19, the city dresses up in its finest and takes a step back in time with parades, workshops and activities around the artist. A date with history awaits you.
But if there’s one party that truly captures the spirit of Zaragoza, it’s the Fiestas del Pilar. The streets are alive with colour and music during the city’s big week, with regional costumes, a parade of giants and bigheads and a jota around every corner. All this in honour of the Virgen del Pilar, which is adorned with a mantle made of flowers offered by all the participants. Don’t just be told about it, come and see for yourself!